Across the Atlantic 1928

Drama Romance

Brothers Hugh and Dan Clayton are both in love with Phyllis, their father's secretary. She finally chooses Hugh, and they marry before he joins the army and is sent overseas as a fighter pilot. He is shot down in a dogfight, crash...

All Titles
  • US: Across the Atlantic Across the Atlantic
  • AT: Der geheimnisvolle Ozeanflug Der geheimnisvolle Ozeanflug
  • BR: O Piloto Misterioso O Piloto Misterioso
  • DE: Der geheimnisvolle Ozeanflug Der geheimnisvolle Ozeanflug
  • JP: 恋愛飛行一万哩 恋愛飛行一万哩
  • US: Across the Atlantic Across the Atlantic
Released 25 Feb 1928
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