Gojira vs. Mosura 1992

Action Adventure Fantasy

Japan is caught in the middle of a three way battle between Godzilla, the divine Mothra, and her dark counterpart Battra.

All Titles
  • JP: Gojira vs. Mosura Gojira vs. Mosura
  • AR: Godzilla: El dinosaurio mutante Godzilla: El dinosaurio mutante
  • AU: Godzilla vs. Mothra Godzilla vs. Mothra
  • AU: Godzilla vs. Mothra: The Battle for Earth Godzilla vs. Mothra: The Battle for Earth
  • BR: Godzilla vs. Mothra Godzilla vs. Mothra
  • BR: Godzilla vs. Mothra - A Batalha do Século Godzilla vs. Mothra - A Batalha do Século
  • CA: Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth
  • FR: Godzilla et Mothra Godzilla et Mothra
  • DE: Godzilla - Kampf der Sauriermutanten Godzilla - Kampf der Sauriermutanten
  • GR: Γκοτζίλα και Μόθρα: Η μάχη της Γης Γκοτζίλα και Μόθρα: Η μάχη της Γης
  • IT: Godzilla contro Mothra Godzilla contro Mothra
  • JP: ゴジラVSモスラ ゴジラVSモスラ
  • PL: Godzilla kontra Mothra Godzilla kontra Mothra
  • PT: Godzilla e Mothra Godzilla e Mothra
  • RU: Годзилла против Мотры: Битва за Землю Годзилла против Мотры: Битва за Землю
  • ES: Godzilla contra Mothra Godzilla contra Mothra
  • SE: Godzilla vs. Mothra Godzilla vs. Mothra
  • US: Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth
Released 12 Dec 1992
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