He-Man - A világ ura 2021

All Titles
  • US: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • AR: He-Man y los Amos del Universo He-Man y los Amos del Universo
  • AU: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • BR: He-Man e os Mestres do Universo He-Man e os Mestres do Universo
  • CA: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • FR: Musclor et les Maîtres de l'univers Musclor et les Maîtres de l'univers
  • DE: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • GR: Χ-Μαν και οι Κυρίαρχοι του Σύμπαντος Χ-Μαν και οι Κυρίαρχοι του Σύμπαντος
  • IO: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • IO: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • IT: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • MX: He-Man y los Masters del Universo He-Man y los Masters del Universo
  • NL: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • PH: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • RU: Хи-Мэн и Властелины Вселенной Хи-Мэн и Властелины Вселенной
  • SG: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • KR: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • ES: He-Man y los Masters del Universo He-Man y los Masters del Universo
  • SE: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • UA: Хі-Мен і володарі всесвіту Хі-Мен і володарі всесвіту
  • UA: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
  • US: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Released 16 Sep 2021
Links IMDb
